Research Articles & Conference Presentations
Published Papers
- (pdf) Frontiers | Vowel perception in multilingual speakers: ERP evidence from Polish, English and Norwegian
L3 Workshop – Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
- (pdf) (ppt) The role of multilingual language proficiency and speaking mode on sibilants produced by L1 Polish, L2 English, L3 learners of Norwegian
- (pdf) (ppt) Cross-linguistic influence and obstruent sequence perception in spoken, whispered and noisy speech
- (pdf) (ppt) Are we equally accented in our L2 and L3? Predictors of foreign accentedness and comprehensibility in two non-native languages
- (pdf) (ppt) Cross-linguistic influence in multilinguals: Do dominance and recency play a role?
Accents 2023 (Łódź, Poland)
- (pdf) (ppt) The impact of speaking mode on the production of Norwegian, Polish and English sibilants in a multilingual acquisition context
- (pdf) (ppt) Where is the boundary? Perception of voicing distinction in word-initial stops by multilingual learners
- (pdf) (ppt) Levels of proficiency in the L2 and the L3 as an interaction effect in L3 Norwegian stop perception
(New Wave, New York City, USA)
NNLP Trondheim 2023 (Trondheim, Norway)
- (pdf) (ppt) From a multilingual perspective: Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of L3 phonetics and phonology
- (pdf) (ppt) Learners’ attitudes towards Norwegian accents
PLM Poznań Linguistic Meeting 2023 (Poznań, Poland)
- (pdf) (ppt) Cross-linguistic influence in multilinguals: Do dominance and recency play a role?
- (pdf) (ppt) Cross-linguisic influence and sibilant producion: An acoustic analysis of voiceless retroflex and non-retroflex sibilants produced by L1 Polish, L2 English, L3 Norwegian learners
- (pdf) (ppt) The perception of Norwegian retroflexes by L1 Polish L3 Norwegian speakers: Discrimination and rated dissimilarity tasks
- (pdf) (ppt) Does cross-linguistic similarity play a role in reading? A self-paced reading study with Polish-English-Norwegian multilinguals
- (pdf) (ppt) Generic noun phrases in the third language
- (pdf) (ppt) The neurophysiology of phonemic contrasts perception by multilingual listeners in diverse learning settings
- (pdf) (ppt) Singular generic noun phrases in L3 Norwegian
- (pdf) (ppt) Investigating CLI in L3 morphosyntax through an artificial language
SLE Societas Linguistica Europaea 2023 (Athens, Greece)
- (pdf) (ppt) “The cognitive consequences of multilingualism in the processing of markedness and ungrammaticality in L1”
- (pdf) (ppt) “Developmental trajectory of L2 and L3 vowel perception: Acoustic and perceptual similarity of English and Norwegian vowels to Polish vowel categories” – Anna Balas, Magdalena Wrembel, Kamil Kaźmierski, and Jarosław Weckwerth
ICPhS International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023 (Prague, Czech Republic)
- (pdf) (ppt) “Perception of voicing distinction in syllable-initial stops by multilingual speakers” – Zuzanna Cal and Magdalena Wrembel
- (pdf) (ppt) “Factors determining perceptual and acoustic similarity between native and non-native vowels” – Anna Balas, Magdalena Wrembel, Kamil Kaźmierski and Jarosław Weckwerth
- (pdf) (ppt) “L3 Norwegian /ʉː/ and /uː/ in L1 Polish/L2 English learners: Different patterns of cross-linguistic interactions” – Jarosław Weckwerth, Magdalena Wrembel, Kamil Kaźmierski and Anna Bałaś
- (pdf) (ppt) “Investigating predictors of foreign accentedness in L3 Acquisition” – Magdalena Wrembel, Kamil Kaźmierski, Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Jarosław Weckwerth, and Zuzanna Cal
- (pdf) (ppt) “Factors determining perceptual and acoustic similarity between native and non-native vowels” – Anna Balas et al.
Accents 2022 (Łódź, Poland)
- (pdf) (ppt) “Embracing complex linguistic landscape: L3 vs. L2 phonological acquisition” – Magdalena Wrembel
L3 Workshop (King’s College, London)
- (pdf) (ppt) “Developmental acquisition of stops by multilingual speakers” – Zuzanna Cal and Magdalena Wrembel
- (pdf) (ppt) “Vowel perception in L2 and L3: acoustic and perceptual similarity of English and Norwegian vowels to Polish vowel categories” – Anna Balas, Magdalena Wrembel, Kamil Kaźmierski and Jarosław Weckwerth
- (pdf) (ppt) “Predictors of foreign accentedness in L3” – Magdalena Wrembel, Kamil Kaźmierski, Nicole Rodriguez, Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Zuzanna Cal and Jarosław Weckwerth
New Sounds 2022 (Barcelona, Spain)
- (pdf) (ppt) Exploring spectral overlap in L1 Polish, L2 English and L3 Norwegian vowels
- (pdf) (ppt) Perceptual vs. acoustic similarity in L3: The relationship between Norwegian vowel assimilation patterns and the Euclidean distances
- (pdf) (ppt) Natural Growth Theory of Acquisition: New data support for a revised theory of multilingual acquisition of speech
- (pdf) (ppt) Exploring the patterns of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of stops by L1 Polish – L2 English – L3 Norwegian speakers
SLE Societas Linguistica Europaea 2022 Bucharest
- (pdf) (ppt) The dynamics of multilingualism: Exploring and modeling the acquisition of third language phonology
- (pdf) (ppt) Perception in L2 and L3: The relationship between English and Norwegian vowel assimilation patterns and the Euclidean distances
- (pdf) (ppt) Gradient acceptability and language proficiency as factors in L3 acquisition of syntax
Conference of International Association of Multilingualism (IAM) 2022, Zagreb
- (pdf) (ppt) Investigating multilingual vocalic space: Spectral overlap and separation in three vowel systems
- (pdf) (ppt) Categorising perception of VOT continuum in multilingual learners
- (pdf) (ppt) Exploring syntactic variability among multilingual speakers of Polish, English and Norwegian
- (pdf) (ppt) „Growing up with Polish in Norway: what do we know and what is yet to be discovered” – online conference organised by Uniwersytet Warszawski, 4/02/2021
- (pdf) (ppt) Project presentation “Polish-Norwegian project (UAM/UiT/NTNU): Cross-linguistic influence in multilingualism across domains: Phonology and syntax” Magdalena Wrembel
- (pdf) (ppt) NOA 9 conference in Halden, Norway – online conference, 3-4/02/2022, project presentation by Marit Westergaard, Anne Dahl, Magdalena Wrembel „Polsk/norsk/engelsk flerspråklighet: Forskjeller mellom andre- og tredjespråkstilegnelse”